OMG, my days have been incredibly busy the last couple of months!

After the first moving date into our new home on May 30th was pushed forward as the house was far from being ready, we succeeded to move in on June 20th WITH A FULL SQUAD OF BUILDERS moving in with us! 

The last month has therefore been quite a ride with that type of extended family (LOL)… While unpacking the boxes and cleaning, movers, plumbers, electricians, joiners, pavers, tilers, painters etc… continued working in our house. The result was that we as a family tried living through the day in the least awkward manner, while starting to do most of the unpacking and cleaning when the last workman was gone home…

For what concerns my workshop, that obviously ended up being to be on the back burner unfortunately for the first couple of weeks after our move. However, when the house started to be in a more or less acceptable shape, I started my battle in order to free space in the workshop. My business activity had been interrupted for too long and it was determined to start up again as soon as possible.

The workshop had been (ab)used as a storage space for doors, flatpacks, timber, bags of cement, buckets of paint… you name it! After a first push in an attempt to ready the space, I nevertheless had subside and postpone workshops until the second week of July. Only then I finally could get the workers out and my equipment and supplies in and start my courses and my own making!

Finally, I am now back teaching my beloved courses! The space is tiny but functional. Some adjustments still need to be made, but it is up and running!! I can hardly believe it! The space is designed to house small classes (up to three people).

I think tiny classes make the experience more pleasant and relaxing. I can make sure participants can be looked after better and there is space to socialize and getting to know one another. The space provides exactly what I need in this sense.

On the other hand, storage is still a problem. For this reason I am looking into creating an external space to store the laundry machine as well as raw materials to formulate clays and glazes, keeping only the strictly necessary supplies inside the workshop. Currently I am talking to our joiner to design something that could satisfy my needs.

Nice features of the work space are that it looks outside onto the street allowing me to see people arrive and giving me the possibility to welcome students arriving for classes. The access gate to our back garden provides access also to my workshop. Two of my little Buddha statues are also welcoming anybody coming in, which completes my design of the space and the coronation of the experience I want to provide to my creative clients.

Concluding, the workshop passed its functionality test with flying colors as well as obtaining good marks on cosiness and welcoming feel I wanted it to ooze out. Remaining are only improvements to work on for storage. To be continued!

As always, if you have ideas and suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. For so long, take care 🙏🏻.