Slow Motion

Slow Motion

It has been a while most of us are at home. At the moment the pandemic hit, more than a year ago now, from one day to another things stopped dead in their tracks. Suddenly schools were closed, offices were left empty, projects were put on hold, shops were closed,...
A business requires a Business Plan…

A business requires a Business Plan…

A plan, a plan, my realm for a plan… But how do you go about making a plan, or more specifically, how do you start making a business plan, when you have no experience at all? Yes, there are templates available, but I gather you need some more back ground information...
Mud Mum goes business

Mud Mum goes business

Working with clay makes me feel good. It gives me great satisfaction to make something beautiful from a formless and sticky heap of clay. What a sense of joy when you have created something beautiful at the end of the project! My creative juices seem to be endless. I...