A plan, a plan, my realm for a plan…

But how do you go about making a plan, or more specifically, how do you start making a business plan, when you have no experience at all? Yes, there are templates available, but I gather you need some more back ground information in order to feel confident in completing those templates…

Do you feel confident in completing chapters on selling plans, marketing plans, customer and market analysis, pricing and promotion, equipment, finances and legal issues when you are absolutely not business-savvy?

As I had no idea about how to create a business, I decided some professional help would be welcome. I came across a group of business consultants, specialised in the digitalisation of existing traditionally set up companies. I decided I would have better chances in my endeavour in case I could get some support of business consultants. They agreed to help me on my journey to set up my small business. Nevertheless at the end of that journey, you realise you have learned tons indeed, but that no concrete steps are made… ! A lot of theoretical knowledge under my belt, that will serve me some time on my journey, but for now I still need to get started…

In parallel I enrolled for a course provided by the local enterprise offices that operate here in Ireland. The purpose of this course is to provide you with the basic knowledge you need to set up a business plan, some insights into the digitalisation trends, legal matters and taxation. A lot of great tips and trick and concrete indications, but at the first concrete step I needed to take, an infinite number of questions and doubts popped up in my mind and there was no way I could find the confidence to start off just like that! How frustrating!  

In hind sight, in my view, the best way to approach things is with a bit of close-your-eyes-and-jump attitude and proceed with one (baby) step at the time. Starting with the completion of your business plan template is a good starting point so that you are obliged to address a number of essential question on your way to start your business. The business plan in any case should not be static plan but should be adapted and corrected in time. Setting up a business is not a matter of days and things change rapidly in our modern world…

Another thing I observed is that theoretic courses might me extremely informative and motivating, but that they can be also overwhelming. Breathe. Take it slow. One (baby) step at the time and do not be hasty, Elisa. Maybe you can reach out to somebody if you are stuck or have any questions? You’d be surprised to know how many people out there are available to help you, if you only just have the guts to ask 🙂

With this last approach, I started diving back into my notes and did some research on the internet and learned that some local or regional entities have organisations set up to stimulate and support the development of small enterprises. It is a kind of incubator-like structure to foster entrepreneurial culture, with a view to the creation of sustainable employment and a vibrant business environment. These organisations provide training courses and often funding options. Sometimes there are mentorship programs you can benefit from. I applied for mentorship and oh boy, that has given me a huge boost! Not only my mentor has an encyclopaedic knowledge about everything we talked about, but has tons of experience and a huge network. Besides, her sparkling personality is just so motivating and empowering and gives me the confidence I really needed on this endeavour !

Concluding, the opportunities are certainly there, but nevertheless setting up a business activity is not for the faint hearted… at one stage it is a matter of getting out there and seeing what happens… GERONIMO! Let’s do it!

Apr 21, 2021