Call me weird, but my best way to relax consists in the luxury of ignoring time or any time indicating device.

Having time limits to activities or knowing that at a certain hour I need to go out to do a commission, trip or task or even a fun activity generates a component of potential stress. The same then tends to be true also in this context when I need to do certain things at determined times.

Obviously time and planning and deadlines can not be fully ignored, as we do not live in total isolation and our needs need to take into account needs of the people surrounding us. But In my opinion, the quantity and intensity of all those time limits potentially generates a lot of stress.

Besides, I give a lot of importance to being on time, so when I agree to be somewhere at a specific time, I will do my best to be there on time. This means that I need to keep an eye on the calendar, on my phone (I decided a long time ago, I didn’t want to wear a watch) or that I need to put timers. With three kids in the house with the necessity to go to school, come from school, do sports activities and related games and do music lessons, this means quite a lot of time management and related timers, reminders, and so on! And all this is not taking into account any of my own commitments or my husband’s!

In order to keep track of all appointments, commitments etc, I keep my calendar on my phone, have an app on which my shifts at work can be found and have an old fashioned calendar hanging in the kitchen where the children can write their games, matches and other appointments (if they remember!). But even with all these safety nets I happen to be surprised from time to time by an unexpected thing appearing out of thin air.

No wonder therefore that I love the empty days, in which nothing is planned, but all possibilities are open. Whether that might entail a lazy morning, a brisk walk, a coffee chat with a friend, a trip somewhere, lingering on the beach, it doesn’t really matter, it creates a sense of freedom and happiness.

What is it with today’s society, that generates all these expectations, related time management issues and stress? Or is it not society, but just me or my approach towards my commitments? Am I too rigid to myself? Do I over plan and over think stuff?

How does it work for you? Do you feel overwhelmed by commitments and time sometimes ?