I am a boomer and my kids remind me and my husband repeatedly. I think this categorisation and the word is hilarious!

Having three kids I am able to observe on a daily basis today’s generation and I think it is fascinating.

Generally I hear a lot that things are going south: opportunities are less for the future generation, living conditions are worse, the new generation is lazy and spoiled… they are too much attached to their screens etc etc…

But I couldn’t disagree more!!!

What I see is that the generation of my kids is so much more mature and wise… even if compared with people of my age.

One of the examples is the consumption of alcoholics or smoking. If I drink a glass of wine at dinner my kids are adamant that I won’t drive anymore, while I would without second thought. They are so much more attentive in relation to safety and so much more socially responsible.

Another example is their ecological awareness. They watch their water consumption, are tuned to waste reduction and recycling, wouldn’t ever throw waste on the street and think that cigarettes stink terribly.

But also in relation to mental maturity they amaze me repeatedly. When I get worked up about something there is always one of them telling it is all right and that people make mistakes and suggest I take a deep breath and calm down.

Such wise kids!!!

The only thing that annoys me is when I hear a great song on the radio and I turn up the volume and my kids force me to turn down the volume (LOL). I always tell them they act like they were my parents!

Anyway, you’ll sure note that I am a proud mum to my kids. Nobody’s perfect, but I feel I can conclude they are less imperfect when compared to me and that is, I hope, a step in the right direction.

Nov 13, 2021