Today is the day before Christmas; time for some considerations .

The last two years Christmas has been different. Due to the pandemic and our move to an island, reuniting with our family has become a lot more difficult.

Independently from the pandemic, a lot of things have changed in the last couple of years for my family and me. We changed country, schools, work situation, we left our known places and adapted to new ones, we left friends, colleagues and acquaintances and made new connections. I wrote a book and thereafter set up a business of my own. And finally I could give myself the permission to dedicate my time to my passion and I became a full time potter.

These are the factual changes, but a lot of other changes, even though not visible, have taken place. The peace of mind I was so longing for previously seems to be at my fingertips now. I finally took self-care seriously and started working actively on my mental well-being.

Ageing is burdensome for a lot of aspects, but I see quite some benefits as well. For one, mental maturity, which leads to more balanced and conscientious decisions. It is so much easier to know what I want and what I don’t want and it is so much easier to understand what is worth my energy and what is not.

Even though not every thing is crystal clear in my mind, things have become a lot clearer compared to before. My life’s priorities are clear enough and I am living in accordance. The seeds I planted over time, seem to be budding and to grow.

All things are in order therefore to be grateful this Christmas and my wish for each of you is that you find reasons as well to be grateful even though times are challenging.

Merry Christmas

Dec 24, 2021