In my previous blog I wrote about art and its role as an alternative to verbal communication. Currently I am working on a program for a course to use clay in as a therapeutic instrument in the counselling room. That brings me to the next question: what is the difference between art and art therapy? I have been asking myself this question numerous times. This has led me to doing some in depth research and reflection.

Art as a way of alternative to verbal communication can be used as a means to break through the wall of isolation that verbally impaired people are threatened with. It is indeed often the feeling of isolation and loss is that what is undermining our physical and mental health. Communication is a way to create relationships which we so much need as human beings in order to feel we belong. Art is a non-verbal way to communicate and broaden our possibilities to create relationships.

A lot of things happen when we are making art. It creates multidimensional levels of symbols and imagery, which sometimes are better than words in expressing complex feelings and concepts. The person can express him or herself through a wordless story.

Art therapy differs from artistic expression as it has the aim to support a person through emotional and psychological challenges. It is based on the relationship between the therapist and the client and aims towards achieving therapeutic goals. The focus of art therapy is moreover on the process of art making and not on the art itself, intended as a final product. There is no judgement on the final result of the art making but it is all about how it makes the person feel and the insights you gain from the creative process.

It is a path to self-exploration and it can reveal things that through other types of therapy can not be revealed. The therapist encourages the persons to reveal things that make sense to them, by encouraging them to think about the lines, shapes and colours to them and feel right. I am not an art therapist, but I have benefited from the healing characteristics of art and creativity and I can therefore describe the importance artistic expression has had towards my mental well-being. I have personally witnessed the capacity of art and creativity to improve self-expression and decrease stress levels.

So, this is what my ceramics is all about! Through my pottery I create a sense of purpose, making beautiful things out of a shapeless heap of clay, hoping to transmit positive feelings and vibes out into the world with my creations, while I hope that with my teaching I can introduce other people into this medium that has been so beneficial to me. No art therapy in the strict sense of the word, but joy through clay.

Please let me know your thoughts… I would love to know.